強みの作り方/Build strengths



「1% の アンチ」 の 言う こと を 気 に し て 落ち込む だけの 人生 だっ た を、 過去 を さらけ出し、 浄化 し た こと で、「 1% の アンチ」 の 向こう 側 に いる「 99% の 味方」 を 得 て、 大きく 羽ばたき だし た の です。


窮地 に 陥れ ば 陥る ほど「 理念」 の 価値 が わかる



I read a book called How to Build Strengths.

The words "mission, vision, and passion" have left a strong impression on me.

I was once so worried about what the 1% would say about my life that I was just depressed. By exposing and purifying my past, I was able to gain the 99% of allies on the other side of the 1%, and I began to spread my wings.

What do you value in your work?

The more you fall on hard times, the more you realize the value of your philosophy.

Do you visualize and publicize your passion?